Saturday, 11 October 2008


Thank God it's Saturday eh? Bother, got to work on the SKID CAR. Then hurry home because Phil's picking up an engine and gearbox. Still off to Mallory tomorrow - pity it's only to spectate :-( but it's nice to be around racers and racing.

Speaking of which, I'm still looking at a shell replacement, there's another RWA option now. I think it'll be nice to start with something "proper" rather than try to bodge this one.

Been a quiet week business wise, I think there's some fear out there what with faling stock markets but more importantly it's the end of the racing season - who wants to buy more racewear at this stage in the year? Hope the Christmas period picks up. Could do with a dose of bad weather soon to get people scared about driving in the wet and cold, get them flocking to the SKID CAR.

Ah well better go. Breakfast beckons, scoot off to work and then back to list some more Midgetmax stuff. The busy life of a thrusting young executive - I wish! More like the bsy life of a middle-aged racing trying to make ends meet!

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