Friday, 26 December 2008

Christmas Break?

It's Boxing Day, not particularly early, but I'm the only one up again. Sarah's in bed with a cold again, Alex is (thankfully) still asleep recovering from the excitement of the Big Day. He was more excited than ever this year, bouncing in to our room at 7:20 - in previous years we've had to wake him up!

"What sort of Christmas did you have"

"Oh nice, quiet...."

Sometimes I don't WANT to do quiet, I'd like to find rip-roaring, carousing, noisy, rioutous and wake up with a hangover. Ah well, perhaps New Year...we're going out so you never know your luck.

Along with Pete, Amanda & the boys, we popped in to see Derek, Judith and family who were working in their shop 9:00 - 1:00 yesterday, that was fun. There was a bunch of very shifty looking coves came in, two blokes and a pregnant woman. They were looking to shoplift we're sure, but sheer weight of our numbers meant they couldn't and had to pay for their food. Poor unborn kid, what chance does it have when Christmas lunch is a microwaved burger, tinned peas and a 10-pack of Vodka WKD. Jeez.

So, got another day off today, but back to work tomorrow (Saturday). SKID CAR session, working with Wayne. Should be fun! Then SKID CAR on Monday and Tuesday day off (? - plenty of racewear work to do!) before my birthday on 1st January :-)

Speaking of racewear, we made an internet sale via eBay on Christmas Day! Only a pair of Nomex gloves, but they do represent excellent value any day of the year so it's not surprising.

Sound of movement upstairs - need to start ministering to the sick I suppose. Happy Christmas one and all!

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