Saturday, 27 June 2009

Wedding wear and random thoughts

Sat here blogging while Sarah's got the "girls" round. They're outside in the cold, I'm inside watching Franz Ferdinand at Glastonbury. Just the way I like Festivals.....none of this nasty camping in the dirt rubbish!

Went for suit fitting today for Col's wedding - I'm Best Man! Downside is, it's the same weekend as Barry S-S's 1 hour race at the Spa 6 hours meeting. I'm s-o-o peeved. I've told Col so! But back to the story. Had the fitting. Felt like a cross between a Victorian Bank Manager and a penguin - why do people insist we wear this stuff? Being honest, Col, you're spending £250+ on this, we'd look just as smart in our ordinary suits, why not put the money towards a kart race? Ah well, "ours not to reason why..." And no, I'm not posting any pictures.

Went to London yesterday, Kew Gardens and the London Eye for Sarah's birthday present. Kew not really something I'm interested in, but the Eye was good. Actually would happily have spent more time on the South Bank watching the performing arts.

Midget rear wings are coming on well. Bit of fettling tomorrow and they'll be ready for spraying :-)

Alex did well at karting last week, made the final. You can just see him on Will Foulkes's video - 6th on the grid, blue Sabelt Stratos-K kartsuit. Bought him a black visor for his crash helmet this week - see what you think on - it clearly worked for him!

Said this was random thoughts. Now just got to decide whether to pour another large whiskey or have a cup of coffee. Decisins, decisions......

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