Monday, 20 October 2008

Ah-ha, found some fuel over the weekend for the mythical 99.99p per litre. That's a quid in my book but what the hell....I remember when people were complaining the price was going to rise to £1 per gallon - guess that just makes me old. Blast.

Got one of the rear springs changed on the red Sprite over the weekend, need to do the other one now then get it sold - could do with the money! S-o many projects on the race car for next season. Think the engine's not going to be much more than a refresh, then run it a bit before selling it to put towards a new one for 2010....unless I win the lottery, at which stage that Lotus 20 FJ car may find its way into my least, after I've bought a garage!

Revamped web site for is nearly finished. When the shopping cart is up-and-running, I'll publish a discount code on here for anyone to use - just a little bit to say "thank you" for reading! Be glad when it's done, far too much like hard work for me ;-)

Have given up "Morning Musings", getting up so early was crucifying me. So it's Evening ????? What? Answers on a post card please....or by email to me......max-at-racewear-dot-co-dot-uk.

I should be at the gym or circuit training now, but you know what? It's pouring down & I couldn't face it. I need to get the fitness levels up, got a kart race end of next month and I need to be shape. Midgetmax Racing are taking on Team FISC, I've kind of challenged them so we need to whip their arses......

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