Thursday, 23 October 2008

Well, email from Toby first thing this morning asking for RSS details. After a brief hiatus while I tried to run his email through my translator only to discover it was written in English, just too technical for me, we're now syndicated. Whatever that is! Thanks Toby :-)

It's normally a quiet time of year at, but we're still quite busy. Reckon it's people buying their racewear before they get made redundant! We've even sold something to Sri Lanka this week...Racewear International!

Johnny Walker's on the radio at the moment talking about cars with a smile on their face - what about our own Frogeye? Surely the most cheerful car ever!

I've got the shopping cart live on so it's time to do some work on Christmas is a busy time for vouchers, it'll need a bit of bringing up to standard, and the shopping cart there is the same as racewear's so I'm pretty practiced with that now.

Midgeting? Well, none! I went in the loft yesterday and there's a load of stuff I need to get out and on to eBay - nothing exciting, anti roll bar kit, old bumpers that kind of thing. If they don't sell, it's down to the scrapyard with them. I'm drowning under old parts---I know they'll be valuable "one day" but so many opportunities, so little storage :-(

Perspective is an amazing thing. Took Alex karting the other day and on the way back I said "You'll be able to sprint the Midget at 16". "Dad that's FIVE YEARS" was his reply. I'm thinking "Oh no, it's only just over 4 time at all" As I said, perspective. Maybe I'll have got the new 1380 built by then. RAOFLMAO

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