Tuesday, 28 October 2008

So, it's been announced that Ferrari will withdraw from F1 if the FIA proceeds with its plans for standardised engines....sabre rattling! Where else could they go? Ooh, they've just said that there is no-one tendering for the engine contract...1380cc A-Series F1 anyone :-)

Now "Wake up to Money" on 5-Live is talking about cuts in interest rates down to 2%....bet it doesn't filter down to the man (or business) in the street. It'll just give bankers more profit on their loans.

We've just won the Wilts County Council road safety department contract for the SKID CAR and we've got the first batch of sixth formers to run through on Thursday. It's a good initiative, teaching road sense in a fun way to try and keep teenagers off accident statistics, we'll be showing them what happens when adverse weather hits the road surface. Just a "taster" for them, try and encourage them to take full training, and it's still a reasonable earner for us.

Busy day at http://www.racewear.co.uk/ yesterday, I'm not sure where all the money's coming from when you listen to the dire stories of doom & gloom on the radio. Chap bought a "Retro" historic-style suit, having been round the houses on all the web sites and chosen ours. Good one, makes all my hard work worth it! Oh, we've got a grant from Business Link to take our site on to the next stage - nice to get something back for once.

Jeez it's cold this morning. Don't know why but I'm awake early again, and I'm sat at the computer before the heating comes on. Quite frosty outside, quite chilly in here....

Couple of jokes I've just heard on 5-Live:

How do you make a city banker a millionaire? Give him a billon and wait....

The best place for your money in this credit crunch is the Post Office. By the time you get to the counter it'll be over....

Enough frivolity, time to get some work done!

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