Monday, 27 October 2008

Successful weekend then, back to the grindstone now. Basically had a day ding NOTHING yesterday - no trips to see racing, no work on cars - NOTHING. Drove me mad, but I feel better for it. Raring to go is I think the phrase - bring on the sales!

Got to work on the web site this week, smarten it up a bit and try and replicate what's working on We've got our first SKID CAR Users Association meeting next week and I volunteered to be Chairman. Mad impetuous fool. Better get some work done towards it looks like it's going to be a SKID CAR week.

But speaking of we weren't...I've just launched our Club Scheme. Have your club listed on our site, give us a reciprocal link, and we'll offer all club members a 5% discount across the board. What does the advert (almost) say? Driving down the cost of racing!

Still interested in that RWA shell for my this space!

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