Sunday, 26 October 2008

Well here we are at 0555 and blogging. What a sad thing to do on a Sunday! But everyone thinks "Oooh clocks going back, extra hour in bed..." PAH! Wake up at same time, but it's an hour earlier, Sarah and Alex still asleep so what else is there to do? Humbug.

Finished my work on the little red Sprite yesterday. It sits nicely now. The problem was it had been fitted with some cheap Chinese rear springs. No strength in them, they were made without the pads in betwen the leaves and the tiny supprting leaf at the bottom was missing. You only have to hold them side-by-side to feel the difference in weight, they couldn't possibly do the job as well as the heavier OE type. Warning to self....

There's still a possibility of me re-shelling my racer into an RWA shell, another has come out of the woodwork. Interesting to see what comes about.

Actually did some work on the ZS yesterday! Well, changed the konw it cost nearly £15 for a couple of litres of oil at Sainsbury's, under £25 for 5 litres plus a filter at our local factors. Go figure.

Got to get up in the loft today and start clearing out MG bits. eBay once, if no sale down the tip. Busy busy busy!

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