Sunday, 16 November 2008

Been a bit remiss on the old blog lately, but in my defence I've been working :-)

Tried to engineer a management buy out of the SKID CAR but it wasn't to be. Not too worried, I could do without finding my share of the stake just at the moment. Longer term though I'd feel a bit more secure about the whole thing if I owned it, I'm a little bit worried that all my hard work may disappear on me. We'll have to see what happens. is building up to the Christmas rush. All our stocks are in place ready for you to come and buy! It looks as though no deal has been done about Autosports International, so if we have a stand there it will be a last minute arrangement.

Funny old world, have been contacted lately through various web sites by a couple of old school friends. I suppose we're all getting on a bit now, people wanting to re-connect with their youth. Natch, I'm not as old as all my contemporaries so haven't felt the urge yet, must be MGs keeping me young....

....speaking of which (he says in a contrived radio link), it looks like I've got another couple of wreckers coming here soon. I've stripped the 1500 bodyshell, and am ready to deliver that to John in Tamworth. There's at least one more 1275 coming to me - possibly two - and we could even end up with a Sebring-fronted MGBGT. Interesting, it could even make a good race car - Sebring C replica although of course with B running gear. Big decision to make there, it's years since I raced a B in the Car Club's BCV8 series. But it may be more welcome on the continent, and the technology's the same. AND - - a big plus - - I can get in the damned thing more easily!

To work! Need to make more space around the house for the next arrivals :-)

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