Thursday, 6 November 2008

News item today......Interest Rates to go Down? Fat chance of that happening to customers, all that happens is the banks make more profit. Not that they're short of a bob or two anyway, any losses are just revaluation of assets.

Interesting meeting on Tuesday, inaugural SKID CAR Users' Association meeting. Good to chat to other operators. We had it at Millbrook Proving Ground - automotive heaven. Chap who took us round had the coolest job in the world........track manager, meant he had to drive everything regularly to check it.

Still looking to find somewhere to keep my next racing project, can't collect it until I do :-( One thing I need to look at with the new shell is how I'm going to mount the belts so that the HANS device works. Still, with a new build everything is accessible and easy to do. In theory.

Actually I've got a bit of a deal on with HANS devices. TRS are importing a batch from Stand 21, and the more I sell the better discount I get so I'm trying to put together a buying consortium. Anyone interested contact me on max-at-racewear-dot-co-dot-uk

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